Monday, December 22

struck by lightning

I was struck by lightning today. It all happened when I was taking a walk outside to smoke a cigarette.

I always worry about getting struck by lightning. My worries cease only in the wintertime. I think that's really stupid, that I don't worry about things when everything around me tries to fool me into thinking that 'all is well,' or however it's put.

I don't remember where exactly I was on my walk. I can't really remember what I might have been looking at. I was on my back, with my arms above my head while my feet were pointed so hard they cramped.

After my body stopped burning from the inside and simmered to a sting on the outside, I managed to stand up and walk back home.

My parents both looked at me and my mom laughed.

"Looks like you've got some serious wind-burn, Steve," she snorted.

I smell my body and it smells like overcooked tomatoes and toast.

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