Tuesday, October 28

a sigh an echo

woozy when they waved out from behind
teeth, to the land across several
tracks and threads of water.

dizzy the currents stirred and whirred
and stuck-smash in a face—your
face, wind whipped and tender.

a flood flung and hung about your
hair, your bones newly bathed beneath
this luxury to see; a splendor to soften, soak.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I looked at your blog, having posted your comment (how you came upon MY schmuckery is a mystery to me, but so, often, is life), and although it will take me some time to process these pieces, I'm very impressed. Once, a million years ago, when I was a poet too, I hoped to express myself this well. I never really got there. You, on the other hand, have some marvelous stuff here. Thank you.

Vote tomorrow.
